What to Eat to Ease Symptoms Ulcerative Colitis Diets?

Finding the correct food plan for many people with ulcerative colitis (UC), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is usually a process of elimination. 

You eliminate or limit meals that appear to aggravate your symptoms and then observe how you feel.

There is no proven or "optimal" diet to aid with UC. Having a plan in place, on the other hand, can help some people with the illness manage their symptoms.

Ulcerative Colitis Diets:
ulcerative colitis
ulcerative colitis

Meal preparation and planning

Although there is no treatment for UC, meal planning and food preparation ahead of time might assist persons with UC restrict items that cause symptoms.

Planning your meals, snacks, and even your hydration efforts ahead of time offers you control over what you eat.

You can avoid making rash (and often inadvisable) judgments while you're hungry or thirsty, which could result in a flare-up, if you plan ahead of time.

Taking the effort to prepare your meals and check nutrition labels may take a few hours at first, but it will save you a lot of time during the week. Steps that can help include:

  • bulk purchasing of ingredients.
  • preparing food in batches.
  • Preparing your meals ahead of time and storing them in the fridge or freezer makes them easier to reheat and eat.

You will not only have your meals prepared ahead of time, but you will also help limit food triggers, helping you to feel better and be more productive in general. Purchasing and planning snacks ahead of time is also an excellent approach to avoid reaching for trigger foods.

Furthermore, because UC can cause you to lose more fluid than you put into your body, managing your water intake might help you avoid dehydration.

Constipation can be a symptom for some people, and their dietary requirements may differ.

Keeping a food journal

Because everyone's physiology is distinct, two persons with UC may have different trigger foods.

Logging what you eat throughout the day and when you experience digestive troubles might assist you and your doctor in narrowing down your particular food triggers.

A food journal might be especially useful if you're experimenting with a new diet.

Eating when you are in a flare-up

Even if you do everything correctly, you may still suffer a flare-up of your UC symptoms. dependable source, including:

  • frequent diarrhea.
  • urgent bowel movements.
  • rectal bleeding.
  • fatigue.

That's why it's critical to learn which meals to avoid during a flare-up and which foods can help you obtain the nutrients you need without exacerbating your Ulcerative Colitis Symtoms.

Easier foods to digest vs. foods that may trigger your symptoms

Easier foods to digest vs. foods that may trigger your symptoms

Eating when you are in remission

While there is no treatment for UC, there may be periods of remission. You will be symptom-free at this time, and your UC will not interfere with your regular life.

There is no way to avoid flare-ups permanently, but you may extend your remission periods by eating a broad and nutrient-rich diet free of trigger foods.

To stay symptom-free, try one of the diets that other people with UC have found beneficial, introduce new foods gently, and stay hydrated.

However, before making any dietary changes, contact with your doctor or a nutritionist.

Some items that may help you stay hydrated and feel good during remission include
Reliable Source:

  • fiber-rich foods like oats, beans, and nuts.
  • healthy fats, including olive oil and nut and seed butter.
  • protein, including lean meats, fish, and eggs.
  • whole fruits and vegetables.
  • whole wheat bread, pastas, and brown rice.
  • vitamin D supplements.

Diet plans

Some people with UC have discovered that keeping to a strict diet might help sustain remission and reduce flare-ups.

Here are some of the most popular UC diets that may reduce inflammation and keep you symptom-free for longer.

Low fiber diet

It was originally known as a "low residue diet." The term "residue" refers to meals that your body cannot digest and end up in your stool. This diet was recently deleted from the Nutrition Care Manual of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

However, reduced fiber diets may still be useful for some people with UC. This diet rests the digestive tract and should only be taken momentarily during a flare-up.

Low fiber meals are easier to digest for your body. They can assist in slowing bowel motions and limiting diarrhea. You may still consume many of your favorite foods while limiting your fiber intake to roughly 10 grams per day dependable source.

Your body will still receive an adequate supply of protein, minerals, water, and salt. However, because prolonged diarrhea and rectal bleeding can cause nutritional and mineral shortages, your doctor may advise you to take a multivitamin or other supplement.

What you can eat on a low fiber diet:

  • milk, cottage cheese, pudding, or yogurt.
  • refined white breads, pasta, crackers, and dry cereals that have less than a 1/2 gram of fiber per serving.
  • soft and tender cooked meats, such as poultry, eggs, pork, and fish.
  •  smooth peanut and nut butter.
  • fruit juices with no pulp.
  • canned fruits and applesauce, not including pineapple.
  • raw and ripe bananas, melon, cantaloupe, watermelon, plums, peaches,  and apricots.
  • raw lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, and onion.
  • cooked spinach, pumpkin, seedless yellow squash, carrots, eggplant, potatoes, and green and wax beans.
  • butter, margarine, mayonnaise, oils, smooth sauces, dressings (not tomato), whipped cream, and smooth condiments.
  • plain cakes, cookies, pies, and Jell-O.

What to limit or avoid:

  • deli meats.
  • dried fruits.
  • berries, figs, prunes, and prune juice.
  • raw vegetables not mentioned in the list above.
  • spicy sauces, dressings, pickles, and relishes with chunks.
  • nuts, seeds, and popcorn.
  • foods and beverages that contain caffeine, cocoa, and alcohol.

Consult your doctor or a nutritionist for further information on how and when to follow a low fiber diet.

Paleo diet

The paleolithic diet, sometimes known as the paleo diet, purports to take the human diet back a few thousand years.

Its idea is that our bodies were not built to consume a contemporary grain-based diet, and that we would be healthier if we ate more like our hunter-gatherer forefathers.

This diet is heavy in lean meat, which contributes for at least 30% of total daily calories. Fruits, roots, legumes, and nuts provide fiber in the diet rather than grains.

Paleo-friendly foods include:

  • fruits.
  • most vegetables.
  • lean grass-fed beef.
  • chicken and turkey.
  • game meats.
  • eggs.
  • fish.
  • nuts.

  • honey.

What to limit or avoid:

  • potatoes.
  • legumes.
  • cereal grains.
  • dairy.
  • soda.
  • refined sugar.

Although some people claim to feel better on a paleo diet, scientific research have shown no evidence that it helps with IBD. Furthermore, this diet may result in vitamin D insufficiency and other dietary deficiencies.

A paleo diet extension, discovered that dietary changes helped 11 of 15 trial participants achieve remission by week 6 of the study.

However, given the small number of study participants and the fact that the majority of patients were already taking medication to control their symptoms, it is evident that much more research is required.

If you want to attempt the paleo diet, talk to your doctor about the benefits and drawbacks.

Specific carbohydrate diet

This diet was created to treat celiac disease, but it has subsequently been pushed to cure other gastrointestinal (GI) ailments. The theory is that some grains and sugars are not adequately digested or used by the intestines.

Eating meals containing these substances causes bacteria in the stomach to proliferate too fast, resulting in excessive mucus production. This contributes to the vicious circle of intestinal damage that results in Ulcerative Colitis symptoms.

What you may consume on the specific carbohydrate diet is as follows:

  • most fruits and vegetables.
  • nuts and nut flours.
  • milk and other dairy products that are low in the sugar lactose.
  • meat.
  • eggs.
  • butter.
  • oils.

What to limit or avoid:

  • potatoes.
  • legumes.
  • processed meats.
  • grains.
  • soy.
  • milk.
  • table sugar.
  • chocolate.
  • corn syrup.
  • margarine.

Depending on your symptoms, you may need to adapt this diet.

Fruits, fresh vegetables, and eggs, for example, may aggravate diarrhea during a flare-up.
This diet may potentially deplete you of some nutrients, such as:

  • B vitamins
  • calcium
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E

While the particular carbohydrate diet has been popular among those suffering from inflammatory illnesses, public health specialists frequently advocate diet alternatives owing to the lack of health advantages.

Low FODMAP diet

The abbreviation FODMAP stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols. While it may appear difficult, it is essentially a diet that reduces sugars that may not be adequately absorbed by your GI system.

The low FODMAP diet is comparable to the low carbohydrate diet.

Both diets are based on the idea that wrongly digested carbohydrates and sugar in the stomach contribute to an increase in bacteria and Ulcerative Colitis  symptoms, although the details differ slightly.

What you can consume on the low FODMAP diet is as follows:

  • bananas, blueberries, grapefruit, and honeydew.
  • carrots, celery, corn, eggplant, and lettuce.
  • all meats and other protein sources.
  • nuts.
  • rice and oats.
  • hard cheese.
  • maple syrup.

What to limit or avoid:

  • apples, apricots, cherries, pears, and watermelon.
  • Brussels sprouts, cabbage, legumes, onions, artichokes, garlic, and leeks.
  • wheat and rye.
  • milk, yogurt, soft cheese, and ice cream.
  • sweeteners.
  • high fructose corn syrup.

While the low FODMAP diet may alleviate symptoms such as gas and bloating, it may not reduce inflammation or protect your GI system. As a result, it is only designed for short-term usage to alleviate symptoms.

If you wish to attempt this diet, consult a nutritionist to determine which sweets aggravate your symptoms and which you may still consume.

Gluten-free diet

Gluten is a protein that may be found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. Some patients with IBD feel that eliminating gluten helps their symptoms, although there is no proof that this diet reduces GI damage.
What you can consume on a gluten-free diet is as follows:

  • fruits and vegetables.
  • beans, seeds, and legumes.
  • eggs, fish, poultry, and meat.
  • most low fat dairy products.
  • grains like quinoa, corn, buckwheat, flax, and amaranth.

What to limit or avoid

  • wheat, barley, rye, and oats.
  • processed products like beer, cake, bread, pastas, and gravies made with these grains.

While a gluten-free diet may help you manage your symptoms, many gluten-free goods are deficient in nutrients and are rich in fat or sugar.
Consult your doctor before beginning a gluten-free diet to ensure you're getting enough nutrition.

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet contains many nutritional items, such as fish, fruits & vegetables, and olive oil. Red meat is only used in trace amounts. Red wine is also permitted, but only in moderation.

Although the Mediterranean diet has not been extensively examined in Ulcerative Colitis  patients, it has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation in general.

Both diets, when compared to the specialized carbohydrate diet, can aid in achieving remission. However, because of the health benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet, health professionals frequently suggest it over the particular carbohydrate diet.

The Mediterranean diet allows you to eat the following foods:

  • fruits.
  • vegetables and legumes.
  • nuts and seeds.
  • whole grains.
  • fish.
  • poultry.
  • dairy products.
  • eggs
  • olive oil and other healthy fats
  • red wine

This diet does not truly restrict any foods, albeit it does contain red meat in restricted amounts.

Whether the Mediterranean diet seems appealing, consult with your doctor to determine if it is a good fit for you.


Ulcerative Colitis  is a long-term, chronic condition that can cause intestinal inflammation as well as digesting problems. Many people with UC find that changing their diet helps them feel better and can even bring on periods of remission.

Creating a UC diet, on the other hand, is not a one-size-fits-all affair. Your dietary demands and limits will fluctuate as your symptoms change, and trigger foods — or items that cause symptoms — may vary from person to person.

Keeping a food diary to monitor what foods you can and cannot handle, as well as working with your doctor or nutritionist on a regular basis to ensure you're eating the correct balance of nutrients, is the best strategy to alleviate your specific symptoms.

While some Ulcerative Colitis diets are only intended to alleviate symptoms in the short term, others may give longer-term relief. Work with your doctor and a nutritionist to determine the best diet for your specific health requirements.